Coaching Agreement with Benefactors

This agreement is between “the benefactor” (the organisation or individual paying for sessions on behalf of another individual), “the company providing the coaching services” (MITOS Global Limited) and “the coachee” (Insert Name). It highlights the responsibilities of each party and specifies what information will and won’t be shared.

By signing this agreement you are entering into an agreement with MITOS to financially cover the agreed number of sessions and agree that confidentiality between coach and coachee must be maintained. The Benefactor has no input into the coaching sessions.

By signing this agreement you are entering into an agreement with MITOS and your Benefactor to receive the agreed number of sessions and agree that confidentiality between coach and coachee will be maintained.

The Benefactor

  1. Agrees to cover an agreed number of coaching sessions for “the coachee”
  2. Notwithstanding that the Benefactor is paying for the sessions the Organisation agrees to respect Coachee confidentiality and in particular acknowledges that [a] MITOS will not be able to share with the Benefactor anything that occurs in the sessions other than whether or not the Coachee attended and worked as expected and [b] it is the Coachee’s choice whether, and how much of the session content, to disclose to the Benefactor. 
  3. The Benefactor understands that 18 is the only situation in which there will be disclosure of content of the sessions to the Benefactor.
  4. The Benefactor has the right
    1. to ask to see any information held by MITOS about them. To do this please either ask verbally, or submit a request by writing.
    2. to ask for information that they believe to be incorrect to be rectified. MITOS will endeavour to provide the information requested within four weeks.
    3. If the Benefactor is concerned about the way that their information is being held please discuss this with MITOS. If the Benefactor is still unhappy the Benefactor has the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office.

The Coachee

  1. I understand and agree that I am fully responsible for my physical, mental and emotional well-being during my coaching sessions, including my choices and decisions.  I am aware that I can choose to discontinue coaching at any time
  2. I understand that “coaching” is a professional relationship that is designed to facilitate the creation/development of personal or professional goals and to develop and carry out a strategy/plan for achieving those goals.
  3. I understand that coaching is a comprehensive process that may involve all areas of my life, including work, finances, health, spiritual, relationships, education and recreation.  I acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues, incorporate coaching into those areas, and implement my choices is exclusively my responsibility.
  4. I understand that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental health disorders as defined by the British Psychological Society and that coaching is not a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and I will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment or therapy.
  5. I confirm that if I am currently in counselling, therapy or under the care of a mental health professional, that I have consulted with them regarding the advisability of working with a coach and that this person is aware of my decision to proceed with the coaching relationship.
  6. I understand that information will be held as confidential unless agreed otherwise, in writing, except as required by law.
  7. I understand that certain information may be anonymously shared with other coaching professionals, eg. for supervision, for training or consultation purposes.
  8. I understand that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other qualified professionals.  I will seek independent professional guidance for legal, medical, financial, business, spiritual or other matters.  I understand that all decisions in these areas are exclusively mine and I acknowledge that my decisions and my actions regarding them are my sole responsibility.
  9. I understand that it is my responsibility, as the coachee, to inform MITOS in writing in the event that I wish to end my coaching relationship. At this point MITOS will remove my personal contact information from their records and the onus will be on me to resume contact should the need arise.
  10. I am aware of the MITOS Safeguarding and Privacy Policies, including data protection. 
  11. The Coachee understands that should the Benefactor be an appropriate authority within exception 18 [a] below MITOS may be required by that exception to disclose to the Benefactor.

I agree to: 

  1. Meet my coach (in person or online) at the scheduled time.
  2. Ensure at least 24 hours notice is given for cancellations or you may incur a fee.

MITOS agree to

  1. keep strictly confidential all information provided by the Client, except:-
    1. where encouraged or required by law to disclose to an appropriate authority, including any harm or potential harm the Coachee may attempt or desire to do to themselves or to others; reasonable suspicion of physical or sexual abuse that has been done, or is being done, to a minor child; acts of terrorism; human trafficking; female genital mutilation.
    2. where complying with professional requirements to reflect in supervision on personal work - in such cases will seek to protect the Coachee’s identity.
  2. In order for MITOS to be able to fulfil their contractual responsibilities they will need to record the Benefactor's name and contact details which will be used to contact the Benefactor. This information will be held for a period of seven years after the cessation of the coaching relationship, except where there is a mutually agreed decision to retain it for longer or where MITOS believes that it is in their best professional interests to do so. Benefactor's contact details will be shared in exceptional circumstances with MITOS’s supervisor or other named agent in the event that MITOS is incapacitated, so that they can contact the Benefactor to explain the situation.  

The parties’ signatures on the form indicate full understanding of and agreement with these terms. To confirm you have read and agree to the above, please follow this link and fill in the form and email back to